In nahuatl (aztec language), tlatomi means ''to win money''
1 - 4 Hour chart (This system works best with GBP/USD, GBP/JPY)
2 - NonLagMa_v4
● Filter=20
● Color=1
● ColorBarBack=0
● Allbars=0
● Otstup=30
● Per=9.0
● Don't forget to change the colors also (0=blue-1=red)
FX Sniper's Ergodic_CCI_Trigger
● pq=4
● pr=8
● ps=5
● trigger=4
Enter long when :
1 – a blue dot appears
2 – the ergodic CCI crosses up the trigger line ( blue line crosses up the red one )
3 – NonLagMa color changes to yellow
Enter short when :
1 – a red dot appears
2 – the ergodic CCI crosses down the trigger line ( red line crosses down the blue one )
3 – NonLagMa color changes to yellow
Exit when a new dot appears (red if you are long and blue if you are short). This method gives you mecanicals trades. Don't hesitate to transform them into a discretionnay trade after because you can see things that the system can't. Sometimes, it will be the difference between a 30 pips trade and a 300 pips trade. Once you move your stop to breakeven and add a trailing stop – you can't wait alittle more time to see what the market wants to give you. Stop In general, I look for previous daily Resistance-Support but I don't have only one method for my stops. You can also looks for the high or low of the previous bar.
Price enter :
The price enter is the open price of the candle or bars where the NonLagMa is yellow.
Ergodic_CCI :
The signal is stronger when the FX Sniper's Ergodic_CCI_Trigge is above 300 or under -300.
NonLagMa :
''The non-lag MA does turn yellow/non yellow while the current candle/bar is still forming ... so I wouldn't enter a trade until the end of the current candle confirms that the yellow section doesn't switch back to a non signal. So remember wait till the candle is fully formed until entering a potential trade!!!!''
To be more conservative means less profit but also more safety.
The order : I don't take a trade when the cross happens before the dot or when the cross happens after the nonlag. So, I wait for a dot then for the cross and then for the nonlag.
It doesn't matter if the cross and the nonlag happen at the same time but like i said earlier, the cross should never happen after the nonlag.

1 - 4 Hour chart (This system works best with GBP/USD, GBP/JPY)
2 - NonLagMa_v4
● Filter=20
● Color=1
● ColorBarBack=0
● Allbars=0
● Otstup=30
● Per=9.0
● Don't forget to change the colors also (0=blue-1=red)
FX Sniper's Ergodic_CCI_Trigger
● pq=4
● pr=8
● ps=5
● trigger=4
Enter long when :
1 – a blue dot appears
2 – the ergodic CCI crosses up the trigger line ( blue line crosses up the red one )
3 – NonLagMa color changes to yellow
Enter short when :
1 – a red dot appears
2 – the ergodic CCI crosses down the trigger line ( red line crosses down the blue one )
3 – NonLagMa color changes to yellow
Exit when a new dot appears (red if you are long and blue if you are short). This method gives you mecanicals trades. Don't hesitate to transform them into a discretionnay trade after because you can see things that the system can't. Sometimes, it will be the difference between a 30 pips trade and a 300 pips trade. Once you move your stop to breakeven and add a trailing stop – you can't wait alittle more time to see what the market wants to give you. Stop In general, I look for previous daily Resistance-Support but I don't have only one method for my stops. You can also looks for the high or low of the previous bar.
Price enter :
The price enter is the open price of the candle or bars where the NonLagMa is yellow.
Ergodic_CCI :
The signal is stronger when the FX Sniper's Ergodic_CCI_Trigge is above 300 or under -300.
NonLagMa :
''The non-lag MA does turn yellow/non yellow while the current candle/bar is still forming ... so I wouldn't enter a trade until the end of the current candle confirms that the yellow section doesn't switch back to a non signal. So remember wait till the candle is fully formed until entering a potential trade!!!!''
To be more conservative means less profit but also more safety.
The order : I don't take a trade when the cross happens before the dot or when the cross happens after the nonlag. So, I wait for a dot then for the cross and then for the nonlag.
It doesn't matter if the cross and the nonlag happen at the same time but like i said earlier, the cross should never happen after the nonlag.

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