Friday, April 4, 2014

Analyze Your Metatrader4 EA Completely

EA Analyzer

Strategy Quant has prepared what I believe to be an excellent program for dissecting every aspect of your EA to allow you to get better and better results.

Really simple to operate this software, you need only enter your backtest results or your trading records using copy and paste or the saved Mt4 report and then work with the various screens available.

Built in are a vast number of metrics that will give you a bird's eye view as to the effectiveness of your strategy.

You can even isolate the days and hours of the week in which the strategy performs best.

Monte Carlo simulation will show you a worst case scenario and it is developed in mere seconds.

'What If' screen will you give a multitude of choices for analysis.

There are so many great features to this program.

You can have a free trial, it is fully featured and will show you some amazing information about your EA.

Download the free trial at EA Analyzer